
Images for desktop wallpaper - Caution, large size files are attached here.

Ceil_GDL.jpgGuadalajara, Mexico(1998)
Drawing on ceiling of a temple.
Temple_GDL.jpgGuadalajara, Mexico(1998)
Garden in a temple.
GoldenGateBridge.jpgSan Francisco, CA, USA(1998)
So famous Golden gate bridge.
building_tokyo.jpgNear to Tokyo station, Tokyo, Japan(2005)
GeoCosmos.jpegMirai-kan national science musium, Aoume, Tokyo(2006)
Geo cosmos sphere display. A million of LED show the earth real and simulation results.
OracleHQ.jpegOracle HQ building, Califolnia, US(2008)
Oracle is one of most famous company of relational database (RDB). RDB is signed as cylinder in IT system drawings then the building shapes cylinder. Clouds make image as if they are poly-silicon soler cell on windows.
TokyoTower-20111129.jpegTokyo tower, Minato 4, Tokyo(2011)
WUXGA(1920x1200). Tokyo tower and Christmas tree. The title of 'Tollest tower in Japan' has moved this to 'Tokyo sky tree' this year.
TokyoTower-20111129a.jpegTokyo tower, Minato 4, Tokyo(2011)
WUXGA(1280x960). Tokyo tower and Christmas tree. Take picture on 2nd floor of Tokyo tower.
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